Legal Raps

Yo, listen up, I got the scoop,

On the legal game, from every group,

Abrogate law,Click here, to learn it’s flow,

California estate tax, 2021, Click here, now you know.

Verse 1

What’s a PI in law,Find out, no time to pause,

Quaker parrots in Cali, Are they good to go?

Sistema legal de China, Get the lowdown, and put on a show.

Verse 2

Ethics for policing, This link, will give you the gist,

Ethical hacking needs,Find out the rules to exist,

Verse 3

Newton’s law, heating & cooling, Heating & cooling, easy as pie,

Safe third agreement, Click the link, no need to ask why,

DV Legal advice line, For those in need, experts will reply.